When you have a local business, such as a store, or if individuals commonly visit your desk, optimizing your website is mostly about making sure that individuals can discover you in true life. So even if you don’t get tourists to your building willingly, but aim an audience in the same geographical region as you are, you have to optimize for that region. It is Local SEO.
The ground-rule such days is that if you have the right address in a region, it is by far the simplest to optimize. You must write about that region merely a lot. We discovered that this often results in forced websites having nothing to do with the company at hand. These websites are obviously used for SEO purposes.
Why Local SEO ??
These days, Search engines are paying more attention to local search. Local search outcomes are therefore more relevant for local searches. If you are looking on a search engine, say google.co.in, Google also provides outcomes that are applicable to a particular location depending on the user’s IP address. If you mention a particular town or region, Google will show you results of that place only.
There are people who tend to search online to find better options in local market:-
This is an age of the internet. People are able to search for whatever data they want while sitting at home. If they have to purchase something in the local region, they prefer to do a pre-search (google local businesses) to find (use the internet to discover) the best alternatives available in their region or towns instead of going straight to market and search. To discover local businesses, it helps local searchers.
It helps in creating your brand:-
The primary reason for using local SEO is that it can easily targets the users in the region where your company is set up. You can mention all the services you offer with their rate on your website. You can also add your business’s pictures and latest updates. It provides your business greater authenticity. It will assist to achieve more buyers and set up your brand.
Website + On Page SEO
- Domain Name {.com, .in, .org, .co.in}
- Web Hosting {10 GB on UK Server}
- 8 Page Web Designing
- User Friendly Website
- Unlimited Bandwidth {No Downtime}
- Offer/ Package Slider
- Product Photo Gallery
- Catalogue, Image Zoom on click
- 1 Year Support
- Back end panel
- Features to add, Delete, Edit text
- Features to add, Delete, Edit Images
- New Services add option
- New Offers Add Option
- Contact Form
- Google Map Integration
- Footer Design
- Mobile Friendly (Responsive Website)
- 100% All Device Support
- Social icons Connect
- Favicon Design
- Mobile Friendly (Responsive Website)
- 100% All Device Support
- Social icons Connect
- 2 Business email
- One Click Mobile Call
- Live Chat
- Testimonial
- Faqs
- Why Choose Us Profile
- Sticky Menu
- Video from youtube
- Whatsapp Chat One Click
- Yoast Plugin to google index
- Blog
- 1 Month Facebook & Whatsapp Promotion Images, FREE* (10 Images)
- XML sitemap
- Sitemap page
- Meta Keyword
- Meta Description
- Image alt tag
- Page Speed Optimization
- H1 H2 tag Proper
- Internal Link Building
- Focus on Image Size and loading time
- Page Title
- SEO Friendly Content
- Page Title
- Local Business Citation
- Visiting Card (500)