A professional website can be considered a combination of a “multi-dimensional resume” , a “personal website”, and an “online identity”. It can be considered a multi-dimensional resume because it is built with the basic constructs of a resume and has added interactive elements only available with a website interface.
- Web design tips for an outstanding website.
2. Keep your homepage minimalistic and free of clutter.
3. Design with visual hierarchy in mind.
4. Create easy to read website content.
5. Ensure your site is easy to navigate.
6. Stay mobile friendly.
2023 Best Selling
- Domain Name {.com, .in, .org, .co.in}
- Web Hosting {5 GB on UK Server}
- 6 Page Web Designing
- User Friendly Website
- Unlimited Bandwidth {No Downtime}
- Offer/ Package Slider
- Product Photo Gallery
- Catalogue, Image Zoom on click
- 1 Year Support
- Back end panel
- Features to add, Delete, Edit text
- Features to add, Delete, Edit Images
- New Services add option
- New Offers Add Option
- Contact Form
- Google Map Integration
- Footer Design
- Mobile Friendly (Responsive Website)
- 100% All Device Support
- Social icons Connect
- Favicon Design
- Mobile Friendly (Responsive Website)
- 100% All Device Support
- Social icons Connect
- Favicon Design
- 1 Business email
- One Click Mobile Call
- Live Chat
- Testimonial
- Faqs
- Why Choose Us Profile
- Sticky Menu
- Video from youtube
- Whatsapp Chat One Click